Sufficient Grace

June 28, 2023

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” This verse from 2 Corinthians 12:9 is the perfect reminder we need heading into our final day of our time at GraceWorks. The long days spent playing hard and loving on these sweet kids and their parents takes energy, and were it only our strength to rely on we’d be insufficient. Praise God and please be praying for us that we would lean into our weakness on this special last day of the week knowing that God’s power will be on full display as we say goodbye and send these children off for the remainder of the summer. We want our words to be laden with the reminder that there is hope. Hope, not just that the hard things in life might dissipate or that the unfathomably difficult situations many of these kids go home to would vanish, but hope that Jesus is making all things new - and that includes the hearts and minds of these individuals we’ve come to love and care about so much this past week. We give thanks to him for the opportunities to share the gospel this week, to show these kids what treasures can be found in God’s word and the joy that comes in seeing and knowing the beauty of Jesus having died and risen again to save us from our sins. We ALL have much to rejoice in.

– Matt Johnson


Hope for the Hopeless


Serving Jesus