The heavens declare Your glory…


The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Ps. 19:1). The beauty of Mt. Denali which was our glorious view this morning was only overshadowed by the praises of the team to Him as we reflected on His work in us and in the park this week. This morning we enjoyed a worship service together in the small town of Talkeetna which is near Mt. Denali. We were so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to stop and reflect on God’s goodness in this team of people that He brought together to proclaim His name in the parks and encourage believers over the past week.

We started the service in a time of musical worship. We sang “Behold our God” as we took in the Alaskan landscape and remembered His handiwork in the people that we have met. We then sang out “He Will Hold Me Fast” as we recollected how God will hold those He has brought to faith in Christ Jesus. Pastor Marshall had us go around and share how we saw Jesus reflected in each team member. It was a sweet time of building one another up and seeing Christ working in each of us. Then we each shared how God has changed us more and more in the image of Jesus as a result of this trip. God was give glory for His work and it was a special and holy time of celebration.

  • Becky Posey

Lunch in Talkeetna - Salmon Cakes & Salmon Burgers

Lunch in Talkeetna - it is such a beautiful day!


Saturday, we were able to do some sightseeing as a group. This was a wonderful experience of resting and reflecting as we finished our park ministry for the week. We stopped by a few glaciers and a wildlife refuge. A few even drank some glacier water.

Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Portage Glacier

Eating glacial ice on Portage Glacier cruise

Byron Glacier


Celebrating God’s saving grace